Thursday, January 26, 2006

RSS coalition meeting

RSS coalition meeting at CC/Hbg.
Some of the pictures from our montlhy meeting.

Facts about coalition:

n March of 2000, all of the officially recognized refugee service organizations in the Central Pennsylvania region agreed to form a cooperative organization, the Refugee Services Coalition of Central Pennsylvania (RSCCP), in order to best serve the needs of refugees arriving in Central Pennsylvania communities.
Current RSCCP member agencies include:

* Immigration and Refugee Services, Catholic Charities (IRS/CC);
* Lutehran Children and Family Service (LCFS);
* PRIME - Ecumenical Commitment to Refugees (PRIME-ECR); and
* the Institute for Cultural Partnerships (ICP).

Member organizations are equal partners in this coalition. Coalition members collectively function as the regional refugee social services provider. The Coalition?s directing and policy-making body is a management team made up of the directors of these four refugee service organizations. The management team meets regularly to assure proper cooperation and coordination among the service providers and invites other non-refugee service organizations to meetings as well.

The Coalition?s mission is to provide culturally and linguistically appropriate services to enable refugee families to attain self-sufficiency as soon as possible after arrival in the Central Region through a well coordinated network of refugee resettlement and service programs; to increase the cooperation among all service providers and other organizations serving refugees in the Region, and assure optimal utilization of existing resources and prompt response to problems and new initiatives as they occur.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Sunday Service at Serbian Orthodox Church

Pictures from todays services at Steelton Serbian Orthodox Church.